H. Councill Trenholm State Community College (Trenholm State) is a comprehensive two-year community college in Montgomery, Alabama. The College offers associate transfer degrees, associate degrees, and certificates that lead directly to the workforce.
When the Community College System of Alabama accredited the former technical school to award associate degrees, initiatives were needed to bring Trenholm State’s outward appearance up to the level of the quality education it provided. Stamp was charged with lifting the Trenholm State brand in line with its new academic status.
Trenholm State's new brand adopts traditional iconography like a torch and crest to reinforce the dual nature of the schools' offerings—academic and trade courses of study.
Beginning with a strategic Marketing Action Plan (MAP) we helped to prioritize the widely varied target audiences that included potential students, existing students, faculty and staff, alumni, and the general community. We also examined roles and beliefs for each target audience, and determined the most compelling overarching brand essence.
Embracing Trenholm State’s roots, a Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU), lent gravitas and tradition to the former technical college that balanced potential students’ desire for an education that could take them anywhere with the need to offer an affordable college experience which was at the brand's core.
Using insights discovered through their MAP, we understood Trenholm State’s target audiences valued the speed of a two-year degree and technical programs to move them into their future fast. This message is central to the series of tactics delivered by the marketing program.
- Create a strategic Marketing Action Plan (MAP) to reach target audiences
- Increase public awareness of Trenholm’s accreditation status through branding, marketing, and web development efforts
- Design and develop a new website with streamlined architecture and user-friendly function
- Develop print, collateral, digital, and outdoor
- Strategic Marketing Action Plan (MAP)
- New brand
- Broadcast production
- Collateral and print production
- Direct Mail
- User-friendly website design, development, and management
- Digital ads
The updated Trenholm State Community College torch was easily adapted to create a tightly branded anniversary campaign logo.
Is it time to reimagine your school's image? Learn about three key indicators you need to transform your brand.