According to the National Safety Council, car crashes are the number one cause of death for teens, and teens are the population group least likely to wear seat belts in the state of Alabama. Crash Facts data indicated that 7% of all fatal crashes in the state were caused by drivers 19 years of age or under and 20% were caused by drivers under 25 years of age.
Reaching a teen audience with its safe driving messages via traditional media was proving to be a challenge for the Alabama Department of Transportation. To reach a tech-savvy teen audience, the Alabama Department of Transportation developed a teen-focused educational quiz that was served to the 15–19-year-old demographic through animated Instagram and Facebook ads.
The goal of the initiative was to increase awareness of safe driving habits among teens and encourage engagement with the department’s website by leveraging the appeal of a quiz game through social media.
A custom theme and logo/brand were developed to appeal to the target audience. The objective was to engage as many teens as possible with clever copy and graphics to take the quiz and learn about safe driving habits in hopes of influencing better behavior behind the wheel.
The five-week teen-targeted social media campaign generated more than 733,000 impressions and 11,878 clicks—a 1.62% CTR (Click Through Rate) that was higher than the industry average.
More than 1,900 Alabama teens participated in the survey, equating to a 2,739% increase in total impressions and 4,317% increase in the reach of page posts to this audience.
- Animation
- Copywriting
- Digital Strategy & Marketing
- Art Direction & Graphic Design
- Motion Graphics
- Pay Per Click
- Social Media Marketing
- Media Planning & Placement
- Web Design & Development